Friday, June 3, 2011


So, I've come to realize that not everyone loves Lady Gaga as much as I do. So I'm writing this blog to help people who don't understand Gaga or why her fans love her so much, better understand why. To start I will share a couple of her songs from her CDs that accurately describe her and what she stands for.

Born This Way :

Hair :

Bad Kids :

The Queen :

Dance In The Dark :

Those are the songs that, in my opinion, best describe her as far as she's tried to describe for herself. However I feel as though I should include my reasons, considering I am a little monster and all.

Gaga has become a sort of spokesperson, public face, figure for every underdog out there. For every minority and every single person who's ever cried at night because of being bullied or how they felt about themselves. She helps to give us a voice, and writes music to allow us to love our insecurities. To love our differences. To love what makes us unique and different. Whether that may be weight, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion or lack there of. It doesn't matter. She want's you to stand up and be proud for being you. 

This may not sound so important for people who don't struggle with depression, with insecurity, with self confidence. For people who weren't bullied, or for the bullies themselves, this may sound like bull shit. But for those of us who have thought about killing ourselves. For those of us who've gone to sleep crying at night because we can't change what the world wants us to change. She encourages us to love who we are and what we are, and she reminds us that there ARE people out there just like us who love each other so much without even knowing each other. Even if society won't accept who were and just wants to push us down, we're reminded through gaga that there are people out there who still do. That's all the encouragement needed for some people to put away those terrible thoughts about themselves, and that's why I'm proud to be a Gaga fan and love her so much.

I hope this has helped you understand better why people love Gaga.  

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